"Turn off camera" as an option for geofencing

Still waiting for this feature. We only need the camera on when we aren’t home. We either have to leave it on all the time, or turn it off and hope we remember to turn it on when go out. It’s disconcerting to visitors/contractors when they see the camera following their every move. We tell them it’s disarmed and not recording (which it is), but it still makes them uneasy when it’s following their every move.


This would be a much needed addition, almost a year and no progress?

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Turning off the camera should not be hidden in the settings but the first thing to see in the UI. In the security section it should also be added as an option for the mode you want to choose. Surprised such a basic function is not there. I think for privacy reasons we would like to have the option to turn off the camera in a simple manner to be a priority.

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Just bought the Indoor Cam 2K Pan & Tilt (Solo IndoorCam P24 in the U.S.), although the software is full of all kinds of possibilities I was baffled that this was not an option.
Please add!


Plus one on this feature. Put it on your product roadmap ASAP! Thanks


+1, would really like to have this too.


still no update? who would want to watch themselves when they are home? please give us an option to auto turn off

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The lack of the feature/option is one of the reasons why I didn’t get one.

I REALLY hope this will be implemented…soon.

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I also need this. Will use the smart plug for now.

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Please confirm that this is put on the backlog!

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How hard can it be? I just bought these but seeing this is not a feature, I will return them. It’s a shame, the produc looked cool overall. I even went straight ahead for clpud storage without checking this first.

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Yes please add this feature.
In the meantime I am looking for this feature with another brands.

Please add this feature. When the geofence detects that you are home, we should have the option to turn the camera off. The pan + tilt cam keeps following me around when I am home (even in “disarm” mode) and it’s very creepy. The disarm mode is not enough, the cam needs to be completely off. Most major competitors offer this option, and with the pan/tilt cam there could be the unique added benefit of the lens being physically pointed away which would be a huge selling point over the competitors…