【UK】【Winner Released】What Will You Buy on Black Friday? Share and Get a Gift

Nothing until you fix the 2C camera motion detection problem caused by your firmware 5.4.3 update on 28/09/2021 that added a privacy zone and broke the human only detection mode.

Getting the Floodlight Cam 2 Pro for my back garden :+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2:

Just replaced a Wyze indoor camera (way too many false “person detected” alarms, even in an empty room with nobody in the house) with a eufy indoor 2k. The 2K is SO MUCH BETTER!! I’m ordering another 2 pack for other places around the house.

So glad I picked up a solar panel now means I don’t have to get my cameras down in the rain or snow to keep them charged up. A well overdue purchase

Security Solo IndoorCam P24 to add to the wireless doorbell I already have. Can also keep an eye on the cat!

Delivered today, thanks again @eufy_Official
If it ever stops raining here I will fit it to my house :+1:t2: