Boyfriend keeps taking me off the camera system. How do I get in without needing him to refer me. We live in the same house and he takes me off because he’s hiding something. Any suggestions?
I suggest a New boyfriend and a new camera for your new place.
There’s no way you can do this without letting him know. Either the homebase is removed from his app, or you get a discussion etc.
I would recommend talking about what’s going on.
You can always reset the homebase and add it again on your own account so that you’re the ‘main’ user. I assume you think things are going on while he’s at home and you’re not. If he’s that paranoid about you using the cameras, he’s going to know if you’ve reset the homebase because his app won’t show the cameras anymore.
So again, there’s no real way he won’t notice. Start talking about the problem and try to figure it out together.
Talk to him to find out is he is intentionally removing you. If so, why would you want to stay with him? You might want to buy a very discreet camera for your access only (a completely different kind from Eufy) to see what’s going on, before you confront him.
People are all jumping to conclusions. The man probably just doesn’t want to be monitored every time he comes and goes. Including every time he brings a package into or out of the house. It doesn’t necessarily mean he’s being shady.
If you’re suspicious for other reasons, talk to him. Other wise give the man a little individual freedom to come and go. And the suggestion about sneaking a hidden camera is a bad idea.
That doesn’t make any sense at all. He doesn’t want to be monitored, but does so to his boyfriend/girlfriend?
Also, no one is jumping to conclusions. In fact, you’re the only one stating a conclusion.
Situation doesn’t make sense. BF installs security cameras with GF knowledge but doesn’t let her keep access. Also, if BF is main Admin account, he needs to send invite access but keeps removing it
As some of the users have mentioned, you are best to speak to the BF to understand what is going on (maybe he doesn’t know he is removing you, or even there is a bug with the app), if you do not confront it then your mind will just start thinking negative things.
Get back into the system, and if you catch him doing something you don’t like, dump him. After you’ve already changed the locks and put his stuff out on the lawn.
Counter him and install your own cameras side by side and lock him out
Pretty controlling BF…seems like time spent with him is an expense and not an investment. Trust first then love.
Almost 700 views so far! Thanks for bringing some soap opera drama to this forum. Now… we need regular updates from this OP…
I absolutely agree, such great material
If he has an iPhone go on settings scroll to the very top type in passwords in the search bar and look for the eufy app and you will find his login then log into his account either use his account or ever time he removes you login and add your acc again, problem solved:)
Playing Devil’s advocate, maybe GF has done something/or does things that BF does not like, e.g. invite (male?) friends round when BF is out, dodgy deliveries, snoops on BF’s personal belongings, steals, etc. Maybe her actions seem normal to her but suspicious to other people. Hence reason why camera(s) are installed. We don’t know the full picture, users in here could be aiding her in covering up her crimes
I find that with my boyfriend , everything he has been doing lately is suspicious , ordering things out if the ordinary , play knives , game controls , takes 90 min showers , looking all around the room before intimacy , when we shower together looks all around as if there are cameras …
Actually I can see that point. My wife only has access to the doorbell not the cameras. The reason is that she constantly reported back to me my every movement when I was home alone. It got bloody tedious tbh. I don’t even think of watching her when I’m not home. She can do whatever she wants in private. If she’s up to no good it will come to light eventually anyway.
I removed her purely because I got bored of her childish approach to the cameras.
I would get a small camera and set it up for your phone only.
Are these all cameras on a single homebase? Or is the doorbell standalone?
Kinda close to Christmas ever think of that?
I think we should get together and dump your boyfriend cause I’m a better dude