Homebase 2 and DNS over TLS

Unable to change security settings (from home to away for example) while router is configured for DNS over TLS. I get the fail to connect 6. error message. Just wondering if any one else experiences the same issue.
Using an Asus RT-AX88U router.

Did it used to work before? Had a firmware update occurred recently?
Maybe the homebase 2 cannot communicate with the eufy servers or they refuse towith that type of encryption you have set up using Port 853 instead of the standard https traffic port 443.

Are you able to change your security settings from home to away on the App while your cell phone is not connected to your wireless router?

Thanks for the reply. I didn’t try the option over cell service, but I found a work around. I can assign specific DNS setting with fixed IP devices (in this case the base unit) on the router, with it set, I can now change the settings without errors.

That’s good to know.
Thanks :+1: