Managing schedule

Hi, the camera keeps dinging away because I’ve hung the washing out!
It also goes off at 5am when the heating kicks in and steam comes out of the vent.
I saw the ‘schedule’ and thought ‘perfect - I can reduce sensitivity during the day or just turn notifications on overnight’ but no, seems all I can do is stop recording during the day (which seems pretty pointless as doesn’t hurt to record the washing :roll_eyes:) or turn the alarm on (to scare the washing away perhaps)
This extra schedule ability seems like such a basic, fundamental feature I cannot believe it doesn’t exist somewhere…. Can someone please direct me towards the correct part of the app? Thanks

My floodlight cam 2 pro thinks the washing is a human also get over 100 notifications every time we hang the washing out. Older Eufy cameras don’t do that so not really a move forward in technology more of a backward step