Round-the-Clock Solar Power for Your eufyCam

Hey, eufy fans!

Happy New Year to you all.

We’re excited to announce that solar power is coming to eufyCam! Our all-new eufyCam Solar Panel Charger allows you to gain a non-stop charge for your eufyCam.

That’s right. You’ll never have to charge your eufyCam again!

Let’s take a quick look at some of the key features and benefits of our all-new solar panel:

A 2.6W high-efficiency solar panel - meaning that with just a few hours of direct sunlight every day, your camera will stay charged around the clock.

Easy installation - the 13ft (4m) cable allows for flexibility when choosing the location of your solar panel and ensures it gets maximum sunlight exposure. The 360° mounting bracket and wall anchors make installation easy and flexible.

Certified Safe for eufyCam - only certified eufy Security solar panels can sync with eufyCam to ensure correct power management. Non-certified solar panels may damage the eufyCam battery.

IP65 Weatherproof - the panel is designed to withstand extreme weather conditions.

The new solar panel provides continuous charging for your eufyCam, eufyCam E, eufyCam 2, eufyCam 2 Pro, eufyCam 2C, or eufyCam 2C Pro.

So, eufyCam owners head on over to and get yours now!

eufy team


Great to hear this is officially available. When will it hit Canadian markets


None stop? At night too? :grinning:


Any idea when it will be available in the UK?



What are the panel’s dimensions in mm?

I‘ve been waiting for this quite a time. Is there any information about when the panels will be available in Germany/Europe? I will purchase at least three of them, so it would be nice to get a set of them with a slight discount…:kissing_heart::+1:

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Another question @Mengdi is how it holds up in winter. Does the snow build up effect the solar panel and charging? Should it be installed in an area that is covered like under a soffit meaning that it will not receive direct sunlight? Maybe setting it up on an angle will make the snow slide off?

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Setting it up an 30~45 degree can make the slow slide off

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Hope this solar option will help some eufycam owners who mounted them in heavy traffic areas.

When will it be sold in Germany?


The solar panel will be launched in the UK and EU in early February.

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Fab. Has anyone got any good images of the connection port?
Does it come with a seal to maintain a water tight connection? Etc.

Also, need a discounted pack of 2 :+1:t2:


thanks @Mengdi

When will it hit the Australian market?


Already sold out unfortunately in the US … Also wish it came in black ! But amazing that they developed this !


Looks like it available now on amazon

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Would a constant charge plugged in be wasteful to battery over time as it would be to a phone or laptop?, I’ve always known constant charges to have a reducing effect on the overall battery’s long term life?!.



Awesome @Mengdi! I will be looking at these solar panels for some of my Eufy Cam 2C’s.

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Great, when will the eufyCam Solar Panel Charger be available in Canada

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